퍼킨엘머에서는 기기별, 응용분야별로 다양한 분야에 관한 응용자료를 제공하고 있습니다.
제목 | 다운로드 |
HPLC Analysis of Omeprazole Using a Quasar C8 Column in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia | 다운로드 |
HPLC Analysis of Ibuprofen Using Quasar C18 Columns in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia | 다운로드 |
HPLC Analysis of Betamethasone Dipropionate Using a Quasar C18 Column in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia | 다운로드 |
Novel ESI and APCI LC/MS/MS Analytical Method for Testing Cannabis and Hemp Concentrate Sample Types | 다운로드 |
Method Validation for Atrazine Analysis in Fresh, Atypical Mineral and Carbonated Waters | 다운로드 |
High Sensitivity Analysis of Estrogens in Water and Urine Without Derivatization by Direct Injection UHPLCMSMS | 다운로드 |
Determination of Thirteen Beta Agonists in Pork Using Ultra High- Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry | 다운로드 |
Rapid Identification of Illicit Drug Substances Using Thermal Desorption Coupled with a Portable Toroidal Trap GC/MS System | 다운로드 |
On-site Screening of Ex+G693plosive Materials by Portable SPME-GC/MS and CME-GC/MS | 다운로드 |
Arsenic Speciation Analysis in Rice Following Method GB 5009.11-2014 to Ensure Safety | 다운로드 |