퍼킨엘머에서는 기기별, 응용분야별로 다양한 분야에 관한 응용자료를 제공하고 있습니다.

제목 다운로드
HPLC Analysis of Omeprazole Using a Quasar C8 Column in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia 다운로드
HPLC Analysis of Ibuprofen Using Quasar C18 Columns in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia 다운로드
HPLC Analysis of Betamethasone Dipropionate Using a Quasar C18 Column in Accordance with the United States Pharmacopeia 다운로드
Novel ESI and APCI LC/MS/MS Analytical Method for Testing Cannabis and Hemp Concentrate Sample Types 다운로드
Method Validation for Atrazine Analysis in Fresh, Atypical Mineral and Carbonated Waters 다운로드
High Sensitivity Analysis of Estrogens in Water and Urine Without Derivatization by Direct Injection UHPLCMSMS 다운로드
Determination of Thirteen Beta Agonists in Pork Using Ultra High- Performance Liquid Chromatography-Tandem Mass Spectrometry 다운로드
Rapid Identification of Illicit Drug Substances Using Thermal Desorption Coupled with a Portable Toroidal Trap GC/MS System 다운로드
On-site Screening of Ex+G693plosive Materials by Portable SPME-GC/MS and CME-GC/MS 다운로드
Arsenic Speciation Analysis in Rice Following Method GB 5009.11-2014 to Ensure Safety 다운로드